Saturday, February 26, 2011

My Shipbuilding...

So being a rather meticulous chap, one of the hobbies that I used to have was model ship building. I'd see a picture of a ship, draw up the plans myself (on a 1:100 scale) and build the ship out of cardboard. No model kits here (other than the helicopters). Just my mind. There are three of these models which I built back in 2002-03. The RMS St. Helena, SA Agulhas, and the SAS Protea. Will there be an M/V Africa Mercy one day? Only time will tell...

My first build (2002) was the RMS St. Helena. For more on this quaint ship, click here.

RMS at anchor off St. Helena.

My RMS at anchor on my bed's duvet cover.

Starboard side view.

Starboard side of my model.

RMS at St. Helena.

Aft view of my model.

Aerial shot.

My second build (late 2002) was the SA Agulhas, the South African National Antarctic Programme's research vessel and ice-breaker. This was a rather crude build and is largely incomplete.

An old picture of the SA Agulhas.

My model of the SA Agulhas.

SA Agulhas docked in Cape Town and displaying it's current colour scheme.

View off the starboard bow.

SA Agulhas also used to carry two South African Airforce Oryx helicopters - modified and specialised Super Pumas for use in Antarctica.

I used a model kit and changed the colours to suit my needs.

Aft, port side of my model.

My third and final model (2003) at present is by far my favourite. The South African Navy's hydrographic survey vessel, SAS (South African Ship) Protea. This was my most meticulous and detail-oriented build to date.

Starboard side of SAS Protea.

Starboard side of my model.

SAS Protea in Simon's Town, looking towards the starboard bow.

Looking towards the starboard bow.

View from the starboard side, aft.

Same view on my model.

Detail of the bridge. Note under the bridge windows the Protea crest of the ship.

In-shore survey motorboat. I made this with matchsticks and toothpicks for the frame and then cardboard cut out and stuck over the frame. Also improvised with folded paper clips for the aerial and railings.

SAS Protea also carries one South African Airforce Allouette helicopter.