Wednesday, February 16, 2011

RMS St. Helena

On our helicopter trip the other day we happened to fly over the RMS (Royal Mail Ship) St. Helena, one of the last Royal Mail Ships in commission, having just returned from the South Atlantic Islands of Tristan Da Cunha and St. Helena.

This small passenger-cargo ship of 6,767 GT (Gross Tonnage) services the Island of St. Helena in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean, and it will forever bear a special place in my heart. The RMS, as she is affectionately known, was the first ship I ever sailed on back in 2002, and it was while sailing on her that my love for the sea and all things maritime was further entrenched. My career with Mercy Ships is thus linked to this little vessel.

I highly recommend a trip to one of the world's forgotten jewels, St. Helena Island, onboard the RMS. For more on the RMS, click here.