Thursday, February 10, 2011

Departing Durban... Cape Town-bound!

At 11h20 this morning the deck department of the M/V Africa Mercy cast off the final mooring lines holding the vessel to the Southern African Shipyards repair quay, and the world's largest charity hospital ship departed Durban bound for Cape Town and then Sierra Leone.

Two tugs safely negotiated us through Durban's huge harbour and we were soon out on the open water, beginning our sail south-west towards Cape Town. It should be a lovely mini-sail to the Mother City (the name us locals affectionately call Cape Town) and I am so excited that my family and friends will be there to wave us in when we dock in a few days time!

Here are some more photos from our departure from Durban!

The flags flying in the mast. The red and white one indicates that there is a pilot onboard.

The SA Shipyards quay, where the AFM was docked for five months.

A tug veers to the starboard to take us through the narrow channel.

Durban's dry dock, where the Africa Mercy's surgery was done!

The view from the Bridge.

Officers and crew on the Bridge overseeing our departure.

Looking aft from the port Bridge wing.

Our Pilot disembarked the ship via helicopter.

Another shot of the Pilot helicopter.

With Theo, one of my good friends.

The Africa Mercy flies the Maltese Cross as we make our way to Cape Town!