Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Mercy Ships in Cape Town media...

Over the last few days there have been several articles and photos that, either by chance or on purpose, have cast publicity and awareness to the Africa Mercy and our brief visit in Cape Town - and what Mercy Ships does for the people of West Africa. There was even a news piece that appeared on South African National TV news the day the ship docked in Cape Town. I will try and post this shortly. But for now here are some pictures and brief articles that cast light on Mercy Ships.

The front page of the Cape Times (Cape Town daily morning newspaper) last Tuesday. The Africa Mercy is visible just above and to the left of the "f" in Waterfront.

A clearer shot in the same newspaper. Although the story was about South Africa's number one tourist destination, the V & A Waterfront, being sold, it's still great publicity for Mercy Ships with the website address clearly visible on the ship!

The next day the Africa Mercy had a couple of paragraphs in the shipping news - bottom right of the article.