Saturday, March 5, 2011

My time in Cape Town...

The Africa Mercy arrived in Freetown, Sierra Leone last Sunday (27th February) after a 13-day sail from Cape Town. It felt strange to read blog posts and look at photos from the ship's arrival and not be there on the ship, but at the same time I feel completely at peace with where I am at the moment. I know this is where God wants me to be. Below please find a couple of photos of the ship arriving in Sierra Leone.

AFM approaches the harbour.

Advance Team members and crew await the ship's arrival on the dock.

My time here in Cape Town has been characterised by plenty of resting, reading, praying, cycling, walking the dog, playing with my nephews, and spending time with friends and family. It's been a good break and I can already feel how God is re-energising me and preparing my heart and mind for returning to my floating home again. And speaking of returning, I have now booked and paid for my flights to get back to the ship, which will happen on March 27th. I'm quite excited about that, really.

But before that happens, I have the small matter of a 109-km cycle race to do on Sunday, March 13th. My 21st consecutive Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour. The big one, as they say. As in the past three years, I will again be cycling in Mercy Ships kit with my Mercy Ships flag to create awareness for the ministry that means so much to me. If you're in Cape Town, come and support me on the route next Sunday!

View from the top of Chapman's Peak on one of my training rides this last week.