Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cape Argus Lifecycle Week...

In the week prior to the Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour, there are a number of events that lead up to the main event on the second Sunday of March. One of the main attractions is the Cape Argus Lifecycle Expo and Cycle Tour registration, held annually in the Good Hope Centre, from the Thursday to the Saturday before the tour. (Photo here of me at the Expo today.)

Here you collect your race pack and can browse through the many exhibits at one of the premier expos for recreation, health and fitness (and cycling, of course) in South Africa. There are always plenty of freebies to sample, although it is never wise trying out a new product just two days before a major event. (Photo here of the main exhibition hall.)

Another event that I am looking forward to is the Tricycle Tour on Saturday. This allows young children, aged two to four, the opportunity to tackle a 1,5 km course. Both my nephews are taking part and I'm sure I'll be an exhausted Uncle Murray trying to keep up with them on the course! And then the day after that is race-day Sunday - the Cycle Tour itself! The butterflies have begun... (Photo here of City of Cape Town marketing banners at the Expo.)