Friday, March 25, 2011

Sierra Leone-bound...

My time in Cape Town has been lovely. I have spent time reconnecting with old friends and my family here, and have done a lot of reading, praying, seeking, hiking, cycling, walking the dog, being open, honest and accountable, and all-round relaxing here. It has been fantastic.

I have discovered many weaknesses in my time with Mercy Ships in South Africa, and have begun the process of transforming them into potential for growth. I have been far more intentional about my regular "quiet" time with God and spending much more time in prayer, and this has been by far the biggest blessing. I have been provided with many resources and books and am feeling ready to return to the mission field, renewed and restored for the path ahead. Of course, having to say goodbye again to my wonderful family (including our dog Flicka) and my friends will hurt, but I know I am headed where God wants me to be. Please pray that I remember the lessons learned during this time in South Africa, and apply them for my time in Sierra Leone and beyond.

And so, tomorrow (Saturday, 26th March), I start my 26 hour journey back to the M/V Africa Mercy. I fly from Cape Town to Johannesburg on a domestic flight in the evening and then catch a Kenya Airways late-night flight from Jo'burg to Nairobi and onwards to Freetown. I'm excited to head back, but I am nervous about all the travelling. I don't enjoy travelling on my own, so please lift me up in prayer with regard to this. May I rest well on my flights!

As to my ministry, I will continue in the role of Assistant Purser but am going to be far more intentional about truly making my work an act of worship to God. I will be in this position until at least the end of the year, and will then re-evaluate where God is leading me for 2012. I'm open to His call whether He calls me to stay longer with Mercy Ships, leads me back to South Africa, or calls me elsewhere.

There is also an important event happening tomorrow for Mercy Ships Field Service in Sierra Leone. We are having our second large screening tomorrow. Please pray for all those involved and also lift up those who come seeking help. May God use us to reach those who need His healing touch in their lives. Pray for calm and peace for this important day, too.

Thank you for taking the time to follow my adventure here. God bless you. Next stop, Sierra Leone!