Friday, February 19, 2010

Hospital Open House...

Having been docked in Togo for a week-and-a-half now, the Field Service is beginning to pick up a frenetic pace. This past week has been really busy, as the medical staff have begun screening potential patients at off-ship sites. We are also in the process of selecting day volunteers to work alongside us for the next six months.

Last night (Thursday, 18th February) there was a large (and very successful) Medical Reception held onboard the ship, where many local partners, NGOs, government officials and other VIPs came to hear what Mercy Ships aims to achieve in Togo. And then today the whole afternoon was spent selecting and processing the new day volunteers. In the busyness of these events, the Hospital has been gearing up to receive the first patients over the next week or so.

Today (Friday, 19th February) the Hospital held an Open House to show the general crew what happens down on the wards. There were various stations where you could learn suturing, inserting an IV, and feeding "patients" that can't feed themselves. There were also displays of the Operating Theatres, our Lab and our X-Ray and CT-scanner.

Different games were set up in some of the wards - and they were really fun. But more important than the fun aspect, most of these games held hidden messages - such as how much work and pressure nurses and other medical staff have to deal with on a daily basis. And how much we should appreciate them.

Please keep the Hospital staff in your prayers as we prepare for surgeries starting next week. Here are some more photos from the Hospital Open House.

Feeding the patients.

Inserting an IV.

Practicing suturing.

Giving oxygen to a patient.

Even some of our younger crew members got in on the act!

Treating the patients.

Listening to the patient's breathing.