Monday, February 1, 2010

Departing Tenerife...

At around 14h00 yesterday afternoon (Sunday, 31st January) the Africa Mercy sailed out of the calm, protected harbour of Santa Cruz de Tenerife bound for Lome, Togo, and our 2010 Field Service there.

Our departure went smoothly and we were seen off by a small group of Mercy Ships friends and family, waving to us from the dock. It was bittersweet leaving such a beautiful place as Tenerife. The people have been so warm and welcoming and I really loved my drives to church on Sunday, as well as my cycles amongst God's creation, and lovely times with close friends. But I am also excited at the prospect of our time in Togo - and the strong possibility of a sail to South Africa later in the year. But Togo we go to now. There is much need there and we are going there to be Jesus to the ones in need. And we are not just being Him and revealing His love in our roles onboard the vessel, but also in our time off work, in our daily existence. This excites me. One of my prayers is that I may reveal God's heart in all I do.

We are currently sailing on a choppy ocean with large swells causing the ship to bounce around and rock and roll. Every time a wave hits the bow a large shudder reverberates down the length of the ship. I enjoy it, but I know many others do not and have succumbed to seasickness, so please keep them in your prayers.

So now we enter another ten or so day sail to Togo. Please pray for the safety of the ship and her crew as we sail down towards West Africa. I'll keep you all updated as to how it goes. God bless!

Deckies waiting to cast off our mooring lines.

Thank you Port Authority of Tenerife!

Moving out from our berth.

With my friend Ali.

Heading towards the vast open seas.

I'll miss these picturesque valleys!

On the open water - looking back at our home for the last six weeks.

With Liz on the aft of Deck 8.

Farewell Santa Cruz de Tenerife! Thanks for everything and may God bless you!