Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Celebrations at Sea!

I had the privilege of celebrating my 26th birthday in the middle of the ocean yesterday. Some people would think that having a birthday at sea would not be that great, since you are limited on where you can go. But being one who loves ships and sailing, it is no real surprise that I call it a privilege to celebrate a birthday at sea. It was a lovely day. I worked in Reception the whole morning and then had most of the afternoon and evening off.

At supper my friends placed a special tablecloth on our table and once the dining room was pretty full Liz rang the bell and announced "Today is Murray/Murman's birthday!" The whole dining room then sang the traditional Happy Birthday song to me.

My friends sat with me and I opened some presents, drank Appletiser (a favourite South African product exported to many countries worldwide - including Tenerife), and we enjoyed a good meal together. One of my Gateway sisters, Christina, even had stickers made for my friends to wear, including ones saying "Vote Murray for Purser", "I love Murman", "Have a Mur-cy Filled Birthday!" and many others.

We then moved to the bow and watched the sun set before playing some fun games (Apples to Apples, Taboo) in the Midships Lounge. When I came back to my cabin later that night I discovered many birthday messages from friends on the ship - and even those who have left for home. I felt really special.

I am so thankful for - and so blessed by - the wonderful friends God has given me here on the Mercy Ship. They certainly made my 26th birthday one that I will remember for many years to come! The photos here are from my fun day.