Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Arrival in Togo!

After leaving Santa Cruz de Tenerife some ten days previously, the M/V Africa Mercy reached the pilot station outside the Port of Lome, Togo, shortly after 10h00 on Wednesday morning. Having taken the pilot onboard, we continued on our way and docked at approximately 10h30 in the morning.

There was a jubilant crowd on the dock who welcomed us with a brass band and singing of some of our favourite West African worship songs, including "You are the Most High God (Jehovah)". Our wonderful Advance Team were also present and had organised several VIPs and dignatories to welcome the ship in the country of Togo.

My day was spent helping out the Purser's Office with updating In-Port muster lists and covering the Reception desk. It was a very busy first day in Togo - with issuing new IDs and changing various lists. The day ended with an energetic game of Ultimate Frisbee on our lovely dock.

Mercy Ships will be docked in Togo for the next six months providing free quality health care and bringing the hope of Jesus to many people. After Togo, the plan (subject to change) is to set sail for South Africa in August 2010 for an important dry dock and generator replacement project. Here are some more photos of our arrival this morning.

Dolphins made an appearance as we neared the pilot station.

Some of the Academy had made Togo flags for the occasion.

Third Officer Eric waves to the camera as he waits for the pilot.

Excited crew members anticipate much healing in the 2010 Togo Field Service!

Our pilot boat approaches.

And prepares to drop off the pilot.

The Port of Lome welcomes the Mercy Ship!

Local fishermen practice their trade.

Members of our Advance and off-ship team wave from one of the tugboats.

Our dock awaits.

A turtle in the water off the dock!

Joan and Brenda, our wonderful Advance Team leaders.