Monday, March 1, 2010


I haven't shared here how God provided for me in the last few days before I came back to South Africa. Well, I think I should as it is pretty amazing and there is now a remarkable twist to that tale!

Initially I was only meant to be arriving in Cape Town on Thursday, the 4th of March. This would mean leaving on Wednesday, 3rd March. I wasn't too happy about travelling to Ghana on my own in the middle of the week, the day before the Togo national elections. There were rumours that the borders could be closed and there are some travel restrictions in effect. And so I investigated with my travel agent regarding changing my ticket to get into South Africa the weekend before. The only problem was that as I was wanting to bring my flights earlier at such short notice, this would cost a rather hefty amount of money: in the region of R 2,000 (about USD $ 250).

I was rather uncomfortable spending this amount as it would put my finances under serious strain over the next few months - but I really wanted these tickets. So I sent out a prayer request to some friends on the ship. And just like that, the money appeared! I was able to change my flights and get into Cape Town a full five days earlier than initially planned!

But now here comes the twist! It just so happened that a couple of my closest friends, Brad and Lydia, who live in East London (South Africa) were in Cape Town for a wedding this past weekend. The very same weekend that I arrived in Cape Town. The last time I saw them was in December 2008 when I was at their wedding. And to top it off, Brad and Lydia were instrumental in making me take that step and follow God's call into Mercy Ships. In fact, God used them in the moment that changed my life forever. The moment where God used my passion for cycling to push me into missions. You can read the full story here.

So we were able to connect and spend most of Sunday together relaxing and catching up. We went out to Stellenbosch, a quaint university town in the Wine Route region of the Western Cape, and had a lovely picnic by the side of a river. It was such a blessing seeing Brad and Lyds before they flew back to East London in the afternoon - one which I definitely would have missed had God not provided the funds to change flights. God has an amazing way of blessing his children! And I am so very thankful!