Saturday, March 20, 2010

I'm Back!

After being dropped at Cape Town International Airport by my parents and nephews late on Tuesday afternoon, I soon found myself safely through check-in and security and on a South African Airways domestic flight headed to Oliver Tambo International Airport in Johannesburg. I was able to check my bag straight through to Accra in Ghana and check-in for all flights at the SAA counter in Cape Town, which made things a lot less stressful in Jo'burg - all I had to do there was pass immigration and security again. So late on Tuesday evening I boarded my SAA flight from Jo'burg to Accra via Lagos. After an uneventful flight I landed in Accra at 05h00 on Wednesday morning, a full 45 minutes ahead of the scheduled arrival time.

A friend met me at the airport in Accra and kindly arranged transport to the Togo border. And so by 11h00 I was passing through the border and, after another much shorter taxi ride, I was safely back onboard the Africa Mercy in Lome, just in time for lunch.

The first few days back have been extremely busy, because I have been playing catch-up and readjusting to being behind the front desk again. But it has also been lovely to reconnect with my Mercy Ships friends who I truly missed when I was back home in Cape Town. The genuine friendships you make here are one of the aspects that really make living in a Christian community such a beautiful thing.

Reflecting back on my time in Cape Town, I can truly say it was a wonderful, much-needed break. I was able to accomplish a lot, but also take some time to reevaluate my life and where God is leading me. I spent lovely time with my family and saw many of my closest friends. I was able to relax in some pretty spectacular scenery, like Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens, and cycle many rides around Cape Town, including the Argus Cycle Tour. It was a perfect break and I come back to the ship rejuvenated and ready for the next few months here in Togo. The photos here are some of my favourites from my trip to Cape Town.

Keep posted for more regular posts... Until next time, God bless!