Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday AFM!

Today marks the Africa Mercy's 11th birthday. It was on this day eleven years ago, Thursday 25th March 1999, that Mercy Ships took ownership of the then Dronning Ingrid. And so begun the conversion of a Danish rail-ferry into the world's largest non-governmental hospital ship.

These are some photos which I snatched off the Transfer Drive a couple of years ago, and have now discovered on my laptop again. I wish I could take credit for these photos, but alas they are not mine. They were taken back in September 1999. But what they do show is the amazing transformation that the AFM underwent to become what she is today - a wonderful tool that God has used (and is using) to touch the peoples of Liberia, Benin and Togo.

Long may God continue to bless the Africa Mercy and all who serve on her, from the Dining Room steward to the Captain. May God bless those who support the ministry of the ship herself and of Mercy Ships in general - whether it is the staff at the International Operations Centre and other home offices, or our international donors and supporters. And may God bless the people of Africa and those we come into contact with on a daily basis. For they are the reason that we are here.

Happy birthday Africa Mercy and long may you continue to touch those in need of hope and healing.

This is Deck 3. Back in those days a railway track ran down the length of the ship. Today this is where life-changing surgeries are performed on a daily basis!

This is the Africa Mercy as she is today. Long may God bless her!