Friday, January 1, 2010

Dawn of a New Decade...

Being New Year's Eve last night, I decided to go into town with a couple of friends to celebrate. We watched an amazing fireworks display at midnight, but soon after that I headed back to the ship. I'm not really one who enjoys crowds and dancing. And I also had another reason for going back.

I wanted to get up early and watch the first sunrise on this the first day of 2010. So that's what I did. I woke at 06h30 and cycled around to the other side of the port. And that's where it happened.

The sky turned golden as the new sun crept slowly out from its hiding place. Words can't really describe the picture I saw. So I'll let my photos do most of the talking. We serve an awesome, creative God!

Pre-dawn view of the harbour. AFM at left of shot.

The sun rises on the first day of the first month of 2010. AFM at right.

Profile of the AFM in the morning light.

Another ship heads out into the bright morning light.

God bless you and your loved ones into this New Decade! Much love, Murray