Monday, January 18, 2010

Cycling in Tenerife...

There are some beautiful, scenic routes here in Tenerife - and none more so than the one I ventured up this past Saturday.

I took the northern coastal road as far as the little town of San Andres, ten kilometres distant from the ship. Here I took a left onto the TF-12 road into the interior. I went 12 kilometres inland along this road to the viewpoint at El Bailadero. The road is a constant uphill, from sea-level to around 850 metres in altitude - perhaps more.

The road snakes along the side of the mountain, with a pretty valley down below. There are many quaint little farmhouses here. After winding up a mountain pass, I came out at El Bailadero, and here the view was spectacular! Totally worth it for the hour and a little more it took me to get there! Enjoy these photos from my lovely Saturday morning cycle.

The view from the top was breathtaking - although most of my breath had been already taken away by the 12 km long climb!

On returning to the ship (pictured) there was a pretty yachting regatta in the harbour.