Sunday, January 31, 2010

Another cycle in Tenerife...

This last week I cycled out to a little village at the end of the northern road - Igueste de San Andres. I actually did this route twice - on Wednesday by myself and then on Thursday with my friend Liz. The weather was a little dodgy on Thursday with some rain falling, but otherwise it was a fun bike ride.

The northern road winds along the coast to San Andres where it passes the beach at Las Teresitas and then cuts into the mountain. From here the road goes up maybe 150 metres in altitude before sweeping down to a picturesque valley - where the village of Igueste is located. The climb to get over to Igueste from Las Teresitas is deeply reminiscent of Chapman's Peak Drive in Cape Town - although maybe not as long or as challenging. But the view looking down towards the beach is pretty special.

It was a lovely cycle and made me appreciate the beauty of God's creation even more. He is a creative genius and deserves all our praise! Enjoy these photos!

The start of the climb over to Igueste.

Looking back at the road cycled.

View down on the beach at Las Teresitas.

Liz and I at the top of the climb.

Heading down towards Igueste.