Monday, November 30, 2009

Salt Water Pool...

This past Saturday (28th November) was blackout day on the Africa Mercy. This is when our hardworking Engineers shut down the main generators and spend the day cleaning the engines ahead of our sail north to Tenerife. And so the ship is a dark, unpleasant place to be with no flushing toilets (our toilets operate on a vacuum system), no electricity and no air conditioning.

Which is why a group of good friends headed off to the Salt Water Pool on the Beach Road to spend the day. We had a lovely time in each other's company - playing games, chatting, swimming and sleeping. It was a pretty relaxing day and a great break from the normal routine of ship life.

When we returned to the ship some eight hours later the Engineers had restored full power and the cleaning of the engines had been a great success. So all in all it was a great day - a wonderful day of relaxing with good friends and a really successful day for the Engineers and Technical crew. And another reason to be thankful here on the Africa Mercy.

The whole group - Me, Jess, Richard, Meg, PJ, Liz & Jesse.

The model photo shot. Hot. Real hot.