Thursday, November 19, 2009

Giving the Gift of Life...

I have been on the blood donor list for quite some time now, but with the Field Service winding down, I didn't think I would have the chance to donate blood for a patient. I was mistaken.

The Lab called me while I was working at Reception this past Wednesday (18th November). They needed my blood for a patient who had been readmitted after surgery on a goitre. Her haemoglobin was a low 6 and after the two units of blood (my unit and another crew member's blood) her haemoglobin count went up to 9,2 - which is much healthier.

The process of donating blood is painless and it is always an honour to give blood for another person. And the Africa Mercy's blood donor programme is special in that the patients are receiving healthy whole blood - the blood is actually still warm as it has just been taken out of the donor's body! It is also a privilege being able to meet the patient who has received your blood.

This was my third time donating blood and all three times have been for patients onboard the Africa Mercy - twice in Liberia and now once here in Benin. And I wouldn't bet against another donation in Togo. It's just another small act of service onboard the Mercy Ship.