Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

I may be a (very patriotic) South African and thus not celebrate Thanksgiving Day, but I would just like to wish all my American friends (and blog readers) a very Happy Thanksgiving! There are so many things for which I am thankful - and right at the top of the list are my wonderful family and friends. Some of my closest friends here are American and I am so thankful for them. But regardless of nationality, you guys are all blessings to me. Seriously, love you all.

In celebration of American Thanksgiving, my good friends Jess and Liz put on a special Thanksgiving meal for us. Well, our awesome Galley and Dining Room staff took care of the food - but Jess and Liz did a great job with decorating our table and making all of us feel special! Thanks guys!

Our table (minus yours truly) - my family here on the ship.