Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Speechless and in shock... But oh so thankful!

Last week, as a result of some conversations I'd had with friends and family, I was feeling rather despondent. Some people were saying that perhaps I was rushing things with a return to Mercy Ships. That maybe I was escaping Cape Town. Running away from reality. I don't see myself escaping Cape Town as my heart is no longer here. I am going back to where I feel God calling me.

And this was made clear this past week. As a result of feeling a bit despondent and unclear I was spending some time journaling last Thursday, and really asking God where he wanted me to go. Where is my life heading? Is it indeed a Gateway course in June/July and then Mercy Ships after that? I prayed for some sort of sign or confirmation. The very next day I got it.

I was chatting to a friend and she told me how she was really encouraged seeing my passion and heart for Mercy Ships and Liberia last year. And as a result, she would be willing to continue to support me throughout my time with Mercy Ships. I'm not going to say how much was pledged, but needless to say I was left speechless and in shock. I had no idea what to say and was in awe of how our God provides. Praise Him!

God answered my prayer and had revealed to me that yes, He does want me back on that big white ship of mercy. All my lingering doubts were silenced. So now everything is full-steam ahead for the return of Murray to the Mercy Ship!