Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cycling (Again) for Mercy...

As some of you may know, I am quite a keen cyclist and cycling played a pivotal role in how God led me to become involved with Mercy Ships. And so, with the Mercy Ships South Africa office's blessing, I have had Mercy Ships cycling tops made to create more awareness.

There is a big race coming up in less than three weeks time, the Pick 'n Pay Cape Argus Cycle Tour, presented by the City of Cape Town. It is the world's largest timed cycling event, with 35,000 cyclists taking part. I will be wearing this kit and have Mercy Ships flags mounted to my bike as well, so to show where my heart is. I'll keep you all posted how it goes!

See blog entry from March 14th, 2008, entitled "Home - The Cape Argus Pick 'n Pay Cycle Tour..." for more on my cycling and Mercy Ships.