Monday, February 16, 2009

Colours and Faces...

Life in the corporate world is different. It certainly isn't Liberia or Mercy Ships. I've been working in the centre of the business district of Cape Town for over two weeks now, and all I can think about is Mercy Ships and Liberia. It has become clear that I have left my heart there.

I miss the colours and faces of Liberia. I miss my fellow Mercy Ships colleagues and friends visiting orphanages on our Saturdays. The faces filled with hope, anticipation and excitement at God's Children Home. The fun and games with these children as surely we learn more from them than they do from us: learning how to truly love. My Bible Study group at New Matadi: what a privilege to have known such wonderful men. Adventure trips into the heart of the Liberian jungle. The challenge (and adrenalin rush) of driving on such potholed roads. Informal games of Apples to Apples, Sequence, and Ultimate Pictionary played in the Midships Lounge. The Thursday night community meetings followed by ice-cream and cake in Town Square.

But I will not miss these things for much longer. I have prayed about and am feeling led to return later this year. Return to Mercy Ships. And although it won't be Liberia (it will in fact be Benin), it will still be the same friendly West African people whom I have come to love. And so begins a few intense months of presentations, support raising and application forms. But I can't wait to get back to my home.