Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Wonderful Encouragement...

Mercy Ships received the below letter a couple of weeks ago. This letter is so profound and I can feel the love and thankfulness with which it is written. It is a clear sign that God is at work. I don't know what else to say... I'll just let the words speak:

September 16th, 2008


Thanks for the joy you’ve brought back to my life and the lives of many others. God bless the works of your hands everywhere you go and may you be a blessing in the lives of others in the world. I will continue to pray for the Mercy Ships, her sponsors, and all those who make her what she is.

To the Captain, I say, Navigate well.
To the Engine Men, Let her never break down.
To the Counsellors, Take away our trauma with kind words.
To the Doctors and Nurses, I say, Make us smile, hold, walk, see, talk again in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

May the blessing of the Almighty God be with you all.

from Bami Seydou
on behalf of my son Yemi Seydou

This letter leaves me speechless. It is a wonderful encouragement for the crew as we come down to our final two months here in Liberia. Thank you for your continued support and interest. Without you, we wouldn't be able to do the work that we do here in Liberia. God bless.