Sunday, September 14, 2008

God's Children's Home...

This past Saturday (13th September) was a very busy, but fulfilling day. I woke up feeling a bit under the weather, but I had committed to drive a group out to the new site of God's Children's Home in Dixville in the morning.

So after taking a right turn just before the bustling Duala Market and then onto some rough terrain for several kms, we pulled up outside God's Children's Home. We caught Ilna, an ex-Mercy Shipper who helps run the orphanage, by surprise as she thought we weren't coming out due to a lack of numbers. But we improvised well and there was a good lesson taught on being athletes for God. We then had several mini-Olympic events including hula-hooping, kicking a soccer ball blindfolded, and a running race. It was great fun. It is also great to see how eager these little boys and girls are to learn God's Word.

The little children really love their new location. The orphanage used to be in Jamaica Road, a short 15 minute walk from the ship, but is now much further out. They have their own garden to grow vegetables and lots of space to play. And whilst they help farm and play together, the construction of the site continues.

The photos here are courtesy of Maria and were taken a few weeks back when we went and helped with the building process – before the children were moved from the old site. The building process is now nearly complete.