Friday, September 26, 2008

Dreaming For A Brighter Future...

We had Bible Study out at New Matadi orphanage again on Wednesday night (24th September) and it was a really good, building time. We discussed Matthew 20 and then chatted about our dreams and ambitions. It was amazing to hear their goals. A couple of our guys want to become medical doctors; another wants to become the President of the Republic of Liberia. Some want to enter engineering; another agriculture or computers.

But what also came out of this discussion was a glimpse into their pasts. At least two (of the seven present) have lost their fathers in the civil war. One of the guys who has dreams of becoming a medical doctor would like to do it to honour his parents, both of whom he lost contact with during the war. One can guess what happened in this case. It is so unfathomable to understand what these young men have gone through, unless you've lived through a civil war yourself. And yet hope and a genuine desire for a peaceful, stable future remain. No desire for revenge.

In such a situation one must ackowledge the challenges and obstacles faced by these young men. They are hoping to obtain scholarships or find financial supporters to help them fulfill their dreams. And it won't be easy. The world may try to crush these dreams, pull them down, through situations and circumstances. But it is important to keep hope alive; to keep one's dreams alive. Step out in faith, trust in God, and go out and be an encouragement and a support.

“Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you
the desires of your heart.”
(Psalm 37: 4 NIV)

So I guess if I have a message to share it's to go out and be an encouragement. And if you have a dream then don't become bogged down or stuck in an unreal world; rather go out and take action. If it's a dream that brings honour and glory to God, then go for it. And most of all be an encouragement to those who have dreams. Keep hope alive; keep dreams alive.