Sunday, November 25, 2007

Long Days and Bong Mines...

Since I last posted on this blog, it has been a busy week. Monday through to Friday I was working the long day shift, 8h30 until 17h30. But, if you know me, then you won't be surprised to hear it was more like 8h00 until 17h30... although somedays it also went on until 18h30. This past Tuesday we had a lifeboat drill. I am in the Muster Control Team and we muster up on the bridge and coordinate the emergency evacuation from there. It is our primary responsibility to ensure all people are accounted for. It was quite an exciting time, donning lifejackets and heading to our lifeboat stations.

Yesterday (Saturday) I joined a small group (around twenty of us) going to Bong Mines. This is an adandoned and ruined iron ore mining facility. We left the ship at 6h30 and drove across to the railway yard (a five minute drive away) where we loaded our two Landrovers on top of the train. We then sat on top of the Landrovers during the three hour train trip to Bong Mines. At Bong Mines we swam in the large lake (it was once a quarry) and had a picnic lunch there. We also drove around and did some exploring, before driving back to Bong Mines station where we loaded the Landrovers and rode the train back to Monrovia, getting back around 18h30. Of the twenty who went, only six of us were guys. That's all for now!