Sunday, December 2, 2007

Departing Monrovia...

After a very hectic last week in Liberia, with medical emergencies and other issues to deal with, we are now safely on our way to Las Palmas, Canary Islands. We departed Monrovia at 12h00 GMT and before our departure had many tasks to do.

The reception department falls under Deck and so I joined a team (Alpha Team - Deck Department) in conducting a thorough stowaway search of Deck 8. This search was repeated shortly after our departure as well. We also had an emergency fire and lifeboat drill shortly before departure to ensure that all people sailing with us were accounted for.

The sailing has been an amazing experience. I really love being on the sea. I haven't been seasick, apart from being a bit drowsy as a result of the rocking motion. One thing I have noticed about this ship is that she does roll quite extremely. You can't walk straight. You always veer off and head into doors! But I've found my sea legs now.

Last night I did a piracy watch up on Deck 8 aft, from 00h00 until 02h00. Piracy is a real (and growing) threat in West African waters. But thankfully our watch (with the Security Officer - he's also Third Officer) was uneventful. You see a lot of stars out here. It's so peaceful.

So we are now on our way to the Canary Islands, a sail of six days. Our first port of call is Las Palmas, where we enter dry dock, and then Tenerife for Christmas.