Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My First Few Days in Liberia...

I've only been here two days now and already it feels as if it's been two months! It was an interesting start to my adventure, with my flight being delayed due to an incident on the runway at Cape Town International. I therefore missed my interconnecting flight to Kenya and from there to Monrovia, and had to reschedule for Monday morning. So I had a good couple of days in Jo'burg. Thanks must go to the Burnett's, who put me up in their home for my time there. I was also able to attend Grace Baptist Church, Kempton Park, and that was also a real blessing. Looking back at it, I think God just wanted me to take some time to relax before embarking on this journey. And also just to trust in him at all times, and learn to be reliant on him.

But now I am safely on-board the M/V "Africa Mercy", and it has been an awesome few days! The people here are so friendly and I am so privileged to have this opportunity to serve on the seas. I am training at the moment and it's a lot of information to take in, but the people here are really patient and understanding.

Liberia itself is quite an experience. Landing on Monday afternoon was an eye-opener. We landed alongside row after row of UN helicopters and planes. And on the drive to the ship we passed through numerous UN military checkpoints and camps. Liberia is a sad nation at the moment. There is so much poverty, pollution, poor infrastructure. In short, so much need. And that is why we are here.