Monday, April 25, 2011

Diving for Mercy...

So often at Mercy Ships we focus (and usually justifiably so - since this is what we are all about) on those who do the amazing work down in the Hospital, but I want to cast some light on those who ensure that the Hospital is kept running through their selfless acts. This includes those who give up their free time (even on ship holidays - like today) to ensure that the intakes for our engine room cooling systems and air-conditioning are kept clear of debris.

The divers take to the water at least once a week to do this important task - and it is really appreciated! Some are nurses, receptionists, electricians and workers in our transportation department - but all sacrifice their time to ensure that the Mercy Ship continues to reach those who need hope and healing most!

Thank you divers for all that you do!

The divers on the port side have to be lowered down in our Man Overboard (MOB) Boat - because the currents at the harbour here are so dangerous.

Nearly at the water level.

Getting ready to start diving to clear the intakes.

The blue rope is attached to the ship and to the MOB boat and thus allows both divers and boat to remain alongside the vessel.

Looking forward from the port side.