Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Celebrating 50 years of Independence!

Sierra Leone celebrates their 50th anniversary of Independence from Britain today.

Over the last months people have been painting some streets in the national colours (green, white and blue) and there is festive bunting draped across many of the main roads in the city. There have even been cleaning days on Saturdays in which the whole population are encouraged to take pride in their city and clear the streets of rubbish and other pollution.

I didn't see any of the festivities as I was on the ship working the whole day, but I believe that there is quite a party atmosphere out on the streets. Happy 50th Independence Sierra Leone!

On a side note, South Africa also celebrated 17 years of democracy today. It is Freedom Day back home - commemorating the first democratic elections held back on the 27th April 1994. Happy Freedom Day in South Africa too!