Thursday, December 2, 2010

Shipyard update # 8

It seems that nowadays I am really struggling to come up with names for the blog posts in which I mention the shipyard phase on the Africa Mercy. I've done so many of them that the originality is lacking! But I feel I should continue to show glimpses of how the work on the Mercy Ship is progressing (since that is the reason we are here in South Africa)... Well, this is another one of those blog posts!

Another close up of one of our four new MAN generator units.

Each generator has five cylinders to provide power.

This is the new fuel filtration system, I believe.

Another view of our new Carrier air-conditioning unit.

The new pumps to provide water for the air-conditioning unit.

Lots of pipes lead out of the air-conditioning unit.

Up a deck now, on Deck 2, where a passageway has been made to run around the Boutique, Gym, and Prayer Room.

Many of the Deck 3 cabins are being re-carpeted.

The former Lecture Room/E Ward is now being used as storage space for cabin furnishings.

The Hospital Wards boast new sinks and cupboards.

Meanwhile, on the Bridge many wires and cables need to be connected joining the control panel here with the engine-room.

The new logo on the funnel is now complete.