Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Update...

Well, Christmas is just around the corner and we have been gearing up for the celebration of our Saviour's birth here. The Academy put on their Christmas play, The Fear Not Factor, a couple of weeks ago, which told the Christmas story from the perspective of the angels. We have had Advent services on each of the four Sundays prior to Christmas, and last night there was even a gingerbread house decorating event in the Dining Room. And when I visited the ship on purser business yesterday, I was pleased to note that even in shipyard phase, there are still decorations! Here is one of the cabin doors decorated for Christmas.

More decorations.

Christmas Tree.

Simple but effective.

I thought this writing with tinsel was very innovative.

Reception even have a wire Christmas Tree on the desk...

... Complete with Fizz Pop lollipops as decorations!

I trust you and your family have a BLESSED Christmas this year and an AMAZING 2011! God bless from Appelsbosch, Murray