Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Old generators gone!

Since I'll be going to the Africa Mercy for purser duties at least once a week over the next few months, I thought it would be good to keep all of you updated on a more-or-less weekly basis, with pictures when possible, of how the generator project is progressing. And today was one of those days.

Once I had finished my Assistant Purser responsibilities on the ship, I was given a tour of the engine-room as well as the underbelly of the ship. As you can see from these pictures, they are making good, steady progress in dry dock!

This is the space where the old generators were! They're gone and the shipyard are already putting in the platform for the new generators!

Shipyard workers and engineering crew members work side-by-side to get the space ready for the new generators.

Another view of the cut made in the side of the ship.

Looking at the bow of the ship, from about the water-line level.

Another view of the welded bow rudder.

Standing by the large bow thrusters - just aft of the bow rudder.

Looking towards the hole cut for the generators.

Standing between our twin propellers and twin rudders.

Just hanging out in front of the bow :-)