Sunday, October 3, 2010

It's just different, that's all...

As promised in the previous post here are some photos of Appelsbosch College of Education. This is where all the non-technical crew and their families are located during our stay in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We are roughly halfway between Durban and Pietermaritzburg in a rather rustic setting, surrounded by sugar cane farms and traditional Zulu villages. When we venture out we share the roads with not only other vehicles, but also pedestrians, cows, goats, and perhaps the odd chicken or two. Thus the drive to Durban is always an interesting challenge!

Despite my personal feelings about Appelsbosch, which are no doubt as a result of missing my floating home, I hope that given time I will settle here. It's just different, that's all. And I can definitely recognise that God has blessed us with these facilities. Especially in the Academy where they have their own large classrooms and the children can run around without fear of being reprimanded for running on a ship. They can be free to be normal children, which I think is a blessing to everyone. (Picture here of the pretty Lutheran church just across the road.)

Anyway, enough thoughts, more photos...

Rolling hills of sugar cane make up the surrounding countryside...

... Along with Zulu villages.

This is the turning to Appelsbosch. We are located close to the hospital.

I've tried to make my door feel as ship-like as possible with photos of my ship family.

This is my room. I had to bring my own curtains, bedding, and little bedside carpet to give it a more homely feel...

And of course I have my photos above my bed.

This is the view from just outside the men's dorm.

Looking towards the women's dorm (left) and the Dining Room (right).

This is the gym, where many a game of indoor cricket has already been played!

Looking towards the tuck shop (snack bar) and the gym.

Composite shot of the braai (barbecue) area in front of the work offices.