Monday, August 23, 2010

Sailing Olympics...

Yesterday afternoon (Sunday, 22nd August), a few hours before we hit the rough stuff we are currently experiencing, the Midships Lounge of the Africa Mercy played host to the first-ever Sailing Olympics. Teams of up to four participants were entered into the games that allowed competitors to test their skill in Hobnob tossing, Wii racing, Beanbag throwing, target practice, and many other fun events. Many of the events had a "Hobnob" theme since it is these biscuits that we use here onboard to alleviate the symptoms of seasickness.

My team was called North and South, because two of the team were from the Northern Hemisphere (USA) and the other two were from the Southern Hemisphere (South Africa). Nevertheless, we all wore South African football (soccer) jerseys.

It was a really memorable day that once again outlined the wonderful community atmosphere on this ship.

Team North and South.

The Dining Room team.

The Pepto Team.

The First-Graders even entered a team.

Trying our hand at Wii Racing.