Saturday, August 28, 2010

Cape Agulhas...

Cape Agulhas is the southern-most tip of the African continent and is the official spot where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet. The Africa Mercy rounded this landmark and sailed into the warmer waters of the Indian Ocean yesterday. The photo at right is of the lighthouse at Cape Agulhas, built in 1849, to guard ships from the treacherous rocks and currents in this area. I visited this stretch of the coastline last May, and many of these photos here are from this trip. It is certainly worth a visit if you have the time to drive down to the southern-most tip of Africa!

Information board at Africa's southern-most point.

Standing where the two oceans meet.

Even with the lighthouse, shipwrecks do still occur, like this one of the Meisho Maru 38, a Japanese fishing vessel which ran aground in 1982.

Local fishing boats in the waters off L'Agulhas.

The southern-most tip of the African continent.

The Africa Mercy rounds Cape Agulhas in near-perfect weather conditions.