Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Strange Blessing...

Here are some more photos (courtesy of the Transfer Drive) that give another glimpse into why I love serving with Mercy Ships in West Africa. This past Saturday I joined a group in going to Maison Bethel Orphanage again. I love these little children. It's a strange blessing. We go there thinking we're going to show God's love... and yet we are given so much more in return. I'll let the photos do the talking.

Doing the arts and crafts with the children.

Playing "Duck Duck Goose" - the Togolese equivalent.

Plenty plenty fun.

Tatiana shows off her hula-hooping skills.


Playing with the giant parachute.

Of course, getting to the orphanage (and back home again) is also a fun adventure. The roads are transformed into lakes after the heavy rains.

Approaching muddy waters ahead.

Heading back onto the main road.

Navigating the course through the "road".

Spraying mud everywhere!

Back at the ship - group photo.