Thursday, July 8, 2010

Finish Strong

With only six weeks remaining in our 2010 Togo Field Service, a strange feeling has fallen on the ship. Or maybe it's just fallen on me. I don't know. But it almost feels as if it is Tenerife again. The Dining Room is hardly ever full, the queues for food are short, and many of my close friends have either departed, are soon to depart, or are on vacation.

I almost wish I knew more people as friends - who I could sit with at lunch or dinner. Sometimes when you eat a meal you don't want to have to make small-talk and polite conversation. You want to be able to relax and joke around and enjoy each other's company.

You don't want to have to ask the three questions of Mercy Ships over and over again. "Where are you from?" "What do you do?" and "How long are you staying?" It's not that I'm against getting to know new people. It's just so hard to break into new groups. Sometimes it's easier to remain solidly entrenched in your comfort zone. And then the question arises as to what will you do if your comfort zone is pulled out from right under your feet? Who will be there for you? Where will you go? God must have a sense of humour. He calls us out of our comfort zones to come and serve Him in West Africa. And we, out of apparent necessity, form comfort zones within this context to protect ourselves.

I think He's challenging me on what I will do, how I will react when I am, so to speak, on my own. Out of my comfort zone. Alone. So come on Murray, no longer feel sorry for yourself. Get up, dust yourself off, don the armour, and move on with God.

It's the final stretch. Six weeks to go. Finish strong, Soldier.