Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Togolese Independence Day!

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Togo's independence from France in 1960. So it was somewhat fitting that we celebrated it here on the Mercy Ship. There was a party organised for day volunteers and crew in the Dining Room. A large crowd of crew members and day volunteers marked this day with joyous singing and dancing. On another point, it was also lovely to see the Togolese Navy flying their festive colours today.

Also reason to celebrate as a South African is that today marks the 16th anniversary of South Africa's first democratic election back on the 27th April, 1994. It is Freedom Day (a public holiday) back home!

May God bless both Togo and South Africa as we celebrate this special day.

Togo Navy patrol boat Mono flying its colours.

High-speed motorboats also flying flags in celebration of Togo's independence.