Friday, April 16, 2010

AFM Academy Shave-athon!

Last night a couple of the Academy teachers, Ben and Tommy, had their heads shaved. Now why would two men with healthy hair voluntarily submit to having their heads shaved? Well, let me tell you.

Crew members had donated over USD $ 1,000 for them to shave their heads - all in aid of a good cause. The Academy had to raise over USD $ 8,000 to attend an international teacher's conference in Kenya over the Easter weekend. If they hadn't been given the funds from generous donors, then they wouldn't have been able to attend this crucial conference. And this was the reason that the money was raised - and the hair was cut. The vast majority of funds were raised by fellow crew members on the ship.

For more on the teacher's conference in Kenya, see my friend Haley's blog by clicking here.

Tommy and Ben anxiously await the start of the shave.

Tommy goes bald!

Almost done!

The finished result!

Tommy and Ben with those who paid the money to see them bald!