Monday, December 14, 2009

Why I love sailing...

Here are some reasons I love sailing. Beautiful weather, calm seas, lovely people and amazing sunsets! But last night God had something special in store for Mercy Ships crew. A spectacular meteor shower in the heavens above! It was the Geminids Meteor Shower, which is at its peak between December 13th and 14th in the skies to the east near the Gemini constellation.

Being many, many miles out to sea and far from the light pollution from big cities made our setting, a ship sailing on the high seas, a perfect experience for watching the stars. It was amazing lying on the deck watching the clear skies above as countless meteors sped through the heavens. It reminded me of what an awesome God we serve - and how thankful I am to be right here, right now.

Unfortunately my camera couldn't pick up these meteors... But I do include some photos here of why I love sailing. God bless!

The bow cuts through the waves of the Atlantic.

Looking aft at the name of the Africa Mercy.

With a little imagination this sunset almost looks like a face - with two eyes above the sun (being the nose) and the mouth just below. I love these Atlantic sunsets!