Sunday, December 6, 2009

A Walk to Hotel Du Lac...

Last Friday (4th December) we had a second blackout day, as there were some more issues our Engineers needed to resolve ahead of our sail to Tenerife. So the work day was rather disrupted as the power shut down at lunch time. I worked in the Purser's office in the morning, and then had the afternoon off. I joined a few friends in walking to Hotel Du Lac, a favourite destination amongst Mercy Ships crew. Richard, PJ and I walked past some interesting scenes on our journey and on the way back I made sure my camera was out to capture the atmosphere.

Walking the streets of Cotonou.

Heading back over the bridge towards the Port.

One of the big cargo-car ferries that are frequent visitors to the Port.

Hotel Du Lac as seen from the bridge.

A little fishing hut.

A War Memorial near the Port.

Chez Lea - a favourite restaurant amongst Mercy Ships crew.

A modified moped/Vespa scooter.

This is a common sight underneath large trucks - a hammock for the driver to sleep in!

The entrance to our dock.

Cotonou's small drydock facility is taking shape.

The pretty fishing village and all the colourful boats.

I hope that gives you a small small idea of some of the sights of Cotonou. It is strange to believe that I have been here for over three months... And now have only days left before we begin our sail north to Tenerife. Until the next post, God bless!