Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Our Reception Team...

Here are the lovely guys and girls who man the Fire Panel, answer internal and external phone calls, embark and disembark crew, make overhead PA calls, as well as a multitude of other tasks. I am privileged to work with such a great team! Left to Right: James (Canada), Tim (USA - Assistant Purser), Leah (USA), Rob (UK - Staff Purser), Heather (USA), Me (South Africa), Hannah (USA) and Ryan (USA). Our wonderful Day Volunteer, James (Benin), is missing from the shot.

But a word of warning... make too much noise in Reception and prepare to be dinged! This is not because we don't like you, but rather due to the fact that we need to be able to hear the ship's emergency systems should an issue arise. So if you get dinged, know that we're actually friendly people who care about your safety!

Photos here thanks to my good friend Ali.