Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heritage Day Celebrations...

Last Thursday (24th September) was Heritage Day in South Africa. It is a public holiday and celebrates South Africa's culture and heritage. I didn't think I'd be celebrating this holiday here in Benin, but the South African Ambassador invited all the South African crew members to some special events happening this weekend in celebration of South Africa's diversity and exports. And so yesterday I went to the International Convention Centre here in Cotonou for a small exhibition of South African arts, crafts, wines, and other products.

The event was kicked off with the playing of the National Anthem of South Africa, Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika, and then some speeches from dignitaries and the Ambassador herself. It was lovely to see some familiar sights from back home and celebrate SA culture in a totally different nation. The festival continues tonight with a concert featuring an acapello group from back home along with a local Beninoise group. I'll tell you more about that later. But for now here are some photos from yesterday's little exhibit.

The Ambassador is in the centre of the shot.

Nelson Mandela poster on the wall.

Theo and I at the exhibition.

South African bead and wire crafts.

With my lovely flag.