Sunday, September 13, 2009

First Week at Work...

My first week back at work has been really good. I am heading up the Reception department as Team Leader and have thoroughly enjoyed the role so far. I work Mondays to Fridays and work from 08h30 to 17h30 each day. My role as Team Leader is primarily to oversee the smooth functioning of Reception (by ensuring good communication and neatness behind the desk) and to lend support to my fellow Receptionists. I am also doing tasks for the Purser and Assistant Purser, including updating muster lists and dropping passports and visa applications at embassies in town and fetching them again later. It has been an incredibly busy last week as I settle into this role but I am enjoying the work and the opportunity to be of service here in Benin. I'll take some photos for this post (of my workplace and myself working) later this week.