Monday, August 31, 2009

Farewell Cape Town...

This will most probably be my last blog update from Cape Town, South Africa, for a while. I leave this coming Wednesday bound for Johannesburg and then catch a flight early the next morning to Cotonou, Benin. If all goes to plan and the flight arrives on time, I should touch down Thursday afternoon at 14h40 in Benin (local time).

This past week has been a mad rush of seeing good friends and making sure that I have everything ready for my departure. And then yesterday my family and I all got together and had a lovely braai (barbecue) for Sunday lunch. It was good fun. My siblings and I also decided to have a photo taken, as it had been at least five years since we had one taken of us all together. The first photo here was taken around 1989 - 1990 and is of the four of us together - Me, Lindsay, Debbie, Shirley (from the youngest to the oldest).

The second photo was the one taken yesterday. No longer is Shirl the tallest! It's now a toss-up between my brother and I.

The other photo here is with Shirley's husband, Montassir, and their two children. And of course my Scruffy-dog! I'll definitely miss my beautiful family.

Thanks to you all for the prayers and support and for being a very real part of my story by, well, reading my story! Please continue to pray for good health and safe travels to Cotonou, Benin - thanks! For the last time from Cape Town, South Africa, I bid you farewell and God bless!