Saturday, August 22, 2009

Farewell Breakfast...

This morning my cell group put together a lovely continental breakfast as a farewell for me - and also a way to raise some more support. There were between thirty and forty people who came and it was a lovely morning.

I shared some of my story and was honoured to have Mike Boone, a good friend and member of my cell group (who has kept me busy these past few days proofreading his PhD dissertation), share a message for all of us. Mike shared on Matthew 9: 35 - 38 and how Jesus saw the people and had compassion. We (as Believers) should never lose sight of the people. We are given skills and talents to make a difference.

Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field."

Mike also shared that there are three sacrifices taking place - and with each sacrifice comes a sense of responsibility. The first sacrifice is that of the community. My church family and friends sending me out. They have a responsibility to continue to pray and, where support has been promised, support. Then there is the sacrifice that my family have made in giving me up so that I may leave for Mercy Ships. That is a huge sacrifice for my family - knowing that I won't be around for quite sometime. I know I'll miss my family when I am away. (By the way, the last photo here is with my parents and one of my sisters.) And lastly, there is my own sacrifice as an individual - giving up my home and family here to go and serve. My responsibility is to God firstly, to Mercy Ships, to my family and supporters back home, and then to myself as an individual.

Mike ended with a really encouraging statement - actually from a young missionary serving in Africa. And I will end this entry with it. It certainly is true!

The safest place to be is in the centre of God's will.

What an awesome thought! When we are serving God and in His perfect will for our lives, we are safe! He is my Fortress and my Strength. God bless you all!