Saturday, May 30, 2009

Jamie departs...

Today Jamie left to go home to Oklahoma City. I had the honour (and I do consider it an honour) of driving Jamie to Cape Town International Airport. The photo here is of the two of us at the airport earlier today. The reason this meant so much to me was that in Liberia (and if you knew me from those days you'll agree) I was a Ship's Driver and whenever a good friend left I would make it my mission to drive him or her to the airport. This was a coping mechanism for me to deal with all the sad farewells that become a part of everyday ship life. It also enabled an additional hour-and-a-half of quality time together on the long drive to Roberts International Airport, Monrovia.

With Jamie it wasn't really sad because I know I'll see her exactly three weeks from today, when she picks me up in Dallas enroute to the Mercy Ships International Operations Centre and the Gateway course. It's been a great two months getting to know a new friend in my hometown - and becoming a tourist in my own backyard! Safe travels home Jamie!