Sunday, May 10, 2009

Approaching the summit...

Just over two months ago I wrote a blog entry( about how it seemed as if I was facing insurmountable obstacles. Or rather, insurmountable in the world's eyes. And yet in this uncertain time with economies in turmoil and the global recession, I can be certain of God and His plan for my life.

He has come through in remarkable ways in the past two months. I have seen these obstacles crumble as God is in control. He has provided me with so many confirmations that there is no reason for doubt. This is God's call on my life.

So with that being said I can now tell you the plan ahead for the next few months. I will be travelling to Texas in mid-June and then after a few days in Dallas, I will be going to the Mercy Ships International Operations Centre in Garden Valley, Texas, for the Gateway training course - the prerequisite training for long-term crew. Once the course ends I will have a few days in the USA, spent primarily with friends in Oklahoma City, before flying back to Cape Town at the end of July.

After a month at home I will then head back to the M/V Africa Mercy in Cotonou, Benin, at the beginning of September. I will initially serve in Reception (man, I've missed that Fire Panel!) and then transfer to the Communications department as a Writer onboard from February 2010 onwards.

So that is what my itinerary looks like over the next few months. But despite the busyness of it all I am constantly amazed by God's provision. I managed to raise enough for my US airfares as well as the Gateway course fees and the cost of the US visa. God has been so faithful. And I am so thankful to those who have given both financially or in prayer. I've really appreciated it!

Two months ago I was standing in front of a huge mountain. I was wondering how it would all happen. Today I am approaching the summit - with God's help.